There are many things you can do in your daily life to help improve the function of your pelvic floor.
Breathe deeply all day long. Holding your breath can create pressure and some Pelvic Floor Disfunction can be caused by pressure!! Try to relax your belly and breathe deeply into your rib cage. I like to practice this by wrapping my hands around my my lower ribs. When I breathe in, I press my ribs out in all directions and when I exhale I try to pull my ribs into a center post. Our ribs move and can help to create more space. It’s funny we never think about this.
Do your feet hurt? Do you take care of your feet? Many people suffer with foot pain and do not realize how healthy feet help to create a healthy body. One of the first things you can do is get out of heeled shoes. I am a big fan of #minimalshoes. They have wide toe boxes to allow your toes to move, no heel; meaning the ball of your foot and your heel are on the same level. The sole are minimal shoes are also flexible allowing your feet to move more!!
Floor sitting and being aware of the alignment of your pelvis when you sit. When we sit on the couch or in your comfortable office chair we tend to sit with your pelvis tucked under. This creates slack in the pelvic floor muscles. When you sit on your “stiz bones” it allows your sacrum to move posteriorly and create a taught pelvic floor muscles.
Use a squatty potty or other stool to bolster your feet so you do not straing when moving a BM.
Do your pants squeeze your belly? Or is your shirt or bra putting pressure on your ribs? When your clothing does not allow you to move or breath it is putting unnecessary pressure on your guts. And when you squeeze a tube a toothpaste you know what happens. Let’s not do that with our bodies.
Walking is the best movement / exercise you can do during your pregnancy or at any time. It loads our pelvic floor and can create strength in your feet, legs and hips. You can start off with short daily walks and work up to walking 3-5 miles a day.
Pelvic floor dysfunction can be a very personal matter. You might not want to talk to your friends about what you are experiencing, but please know that it is common and there are things you can do to feel better.
Pelvic floor physical therapists can be very helpful to help you learn about your body, prepare for birth and recover postpartum. Let me know if you are looking for help and I can give you a few referrals.